Dmitry Sotnikov

Published in QA · · 6 min read

Mastering Automation Testing - Efficiency and Effectiveness in Software Testing

The primary goal of software projects is to produce high-quality output while minimizing cost and time. To achieve this, testing is a crucial aspect of the software development process, and it can be divided into two categories: Manual Testing and Automation Testing.

Automation testing involves using tools, scripts, and software to execute test cases by performing predefined actions, while manual testing requires human interaction to detect insights that automated testing programs may overlook. Automated testing is best suited for large projects that require repetitive testing, while manual testing can be more appropriate for exploring unique cases and scenarios.

Differences between manual and automated testing

Manual testing Automated testing
— Is not accurate at all times due to human error, hence it is less reliable — Is more reliable, as it is performed by tools and/or scripts
— Is time-consuming, taking up human resources — Is executed by software tools, so it significantly faster than a manual approach
— Investment is required for human resources — Investment is required for testing tools
— Is only practical when the test cases are run once or twice, and frequent repetition is not required — Is practical option when the test cases are run repeatedly over a long time period
— Allows for human observation, witch may be more useful if goal is user-friendliness or improved customer experience — Does nor entail human observation and cannot quarantee user-friendliness or positive customer experience

Key Points

  • High Test Agility: High automation tests are comprehensive, reliable, and fast, playing a critical role in achieving agility in software development. These tests provide quick feedback on code quality, allowing developers to identify and fix issues early. High automation tests also help maintain code quality over time and contribute to more agile development processes.

  • Management: To effectively manage automation tests, it is important to have a well-defined process in place. This process should include the following steps: selecting testing tools, determining automation scope, planning, designing, developing, executing tests, and maintenance & monitoring. Proper test planning and design help ensure the right tests are automated, leading to efficient test implementation and execution. Regular maintenance and monitoring of tests contribute to their ongoing effectiveness.

  • Structure: A well-structured project is vital for web application testing success. Key components of an automation project structure include test suites, test cases, test data, test framework, object repository, Page Object Model (POM), and reporting. Organizing these components effectively ensures a smooth testing process and helps teams address issues more quickly.

  • Coverage: Coverage refers to the extent to which automation tests cover the application’s functionality. It is a measure of how comprehensively the application has been tested. Functional, code, and scenario coverage are all essential aspects of coverage. To achieve high coverage, it is crucial to design tests that cover a wide range of scenarios and edge cases, ensuring thorough testing of the application.

  • Usability: Automation tests must be easy to understand, write, and maintain for developers and testers. To ensure usability, focus on readability, maintainability, scalability, integration, and ease of use. Write clear and concise tests using descriptive names and comments. Design tests with modular and reusable components, and ensure tests can scale with the growing size and complexity of the application. Integrate tests with development workflows, and make them user-friendly for developers of all skill levels.

  • Protection: Protecting automation tests is essential to ensure their accuracy and effectiveness. Steps to protect automation tests include using version control systems like Git, managing test data separately from production data, running tests in controlled environments, performing regular test maintenance, and securing tests from unauthorized access.

  • Tools: Selecting an automated testing tool requires considering compatibility with the application and its technologies, tool functionality, usability, integration with other development tools and processes, scalability, and cost. Evaluating multiple options based on these factors will help teams find the best tool for their needs.

  • Transparency: In automation testing, transparency refers to stakeholders’ ability to understand and evaluate test results, identifying issues or areas for improvement. Stakeholders should be able to access and analyze test results, understand test coverage, review test cases, and evaluate test automation tools. Providing transparency helps ensure the testing process is effective, and the results are accurate and actionable.




In conclusion, mastering automation testing is essential for producing high-quality software while minimizing cost and time. By focusing on agility, management, structure, coverage, usability, protection, transparency, and addressing new challenges, teams can optimize their automation testing processes, leading to improved software quality and a more efficient development lifecycle. Some other aspects to consider:

  • Collaboration: Effective collaboration between team members is crucial for successful automation testing. Sharing knowledge, discussing test strategies, and reviewing test results collectively can help identify gaps, reduce duplication of efforts, and improve the overall testing process. Encourage open communication, regular meetings, and knowledge sharing within the team to promote a collaborative testing environment.

  • Continuous Improvement: As software development is an iterative process, so is automation testing. Teams should continuously evaluate and improve their testing processes, tools, and strategies, adopting best practices and new technologies as needed. Regularly review test results, performance metrics, and team feedback to identify areas for improvement and implement changes accordingly.

  • Training and Skill Development: Keeping up with new testing methodologies, tools, and technologies is essential for automation testing success. Invest in ongoing training and skill development for team members, providing access to courses, workshops, and conferences to ensure that everyone is equipped with the latest knowledge and skills needed to excel in automation testing.

  • Metrics and KPIs: Tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics in automation testing helps teams measure success and identify areas for improvement. Metrics like test execution time, test coverage, defect detection rate, and test maintenance effort can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness and efficiency of the testing process. Regularly analyze these metrics to make data-driven decisions and optimize your testing strategy.

  • Flexibility: Software development projects are dynamic, with changing requirements and priorities. Automation testing teams must be flexible and adaptable to accommodate these changes, adjusting their test plans, strategies, and priorities accordingly. Embrace a culture of flexibility and adaptability within the team to ensure testing processes can evolve alongside the software development project

By addressing these additional aspects of automation testing, software development teams can further enhance their testing processes and outcomes, leading to higher quality software products and more efficient development cycles. Emphasizing collaboration, continuous improvement, training, metrics, and flexibility will contribute to a well-rounded and robust approach to automation testing.

New Challenges: As the software development landscape evolves, new challenges in automation testing arise. Crisalix QA team must set up automation deployment on sandbox environments daily, improve test performance for faster feedback, and assist QA and DEV teams in using automation tests for regression testing. Addressing these challenges will contribute to more efficient and effective software development processes.